
Jam Toast

Salt Zine launched at Small Press Zine Fair in Hobart Oct 2024.

I am a freelance Designer living in Northern Tasmania. In my spare time I cook, sail, garden and make zines.
If you've found this website it's probably through Rye or Salt Zine. Click here to purchase my zines online.
This site is a work in progress, I use it as a playground... I have dreams of building it into a blog built with 11ty... but good things take time haha.
I'm planning to re-build it eventually, using the JAMstack methodology and lean web concepts.

hide the pain harold meme at computer

Mostly a Designer

I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon. My mum made me learn how to touch-type in primary school. Today I combine those skills by creating brands, websites and publications for my clients.

hide the pain harold meme cutting pizza

Sometimes a Cook

I don't like to blow my own trumpet 🎺... but you are on my website... so I'll just tell you I'm a damn fine cook and I love feeding people 🍽 👩‍🍳. Sometimes I get to do it professionally.